We're back! Alison's been down in Sydney since Tuesday for work and I joined her on Thursday for an extended weekend of retail and gastronomic indulgence.
We stayed at the Travelodge just around the corner from Martin Place so the weekend of excitement got off to a quick start when I spotted
Kochie talking to some people outside the
7 building. Alright maybe not that exciting but when you're from Brissie any celebrity sighting is better than nothing. I had my eyes peeled to see if I could spot Tori Amos as she was the studio that morning promoting her new tour but alas she was no where in sight.
Our first stop on the Friday of fun was the Pyrmont Fish Market. To my delight, we actually managed to get some sea urchin roe this time unlike our
last visit. Oh happy days!

- Box of Sea Urchin - $10.50
- Steamed Rice - $2.50
- Pack of Seaweed - $3.00
- Total - Who cares, it's bloody delicious!
Seriously though, it's
fantastic value considering two pieces of uni makesushi would probably be about $8.00 in a restaurant. I've put together step by step instructions for how to enjoy uni gohan if anyone's interested. Uncle Kheng would be so proud of me. Pure bliss.

We swung by to get some sweet bread (another necessity when in Sydney) for dessert before getting to the market. I might have pushed even my digestive system with this choice. It's called the "Perfect Roll"; a suspicious combination of chocolate, banana, cheese and bread. Savory and sweet at the same time with crunchy chocolate and gooey banana to round up the texture. Certainly interesting.

After gorging ourselves on fresh sushi Alison and I waddled down to Bondi Junction to find this little import store that I'd heard about. Aunty Lucy was kind enough to smuggle an overstuffed box of English crisps and confectionery when the family came over for the wedding. As my taste for all great snacks had been rekindled, I decided to find a local source for the yum-yums.
A Taste of Home seemed to be just the shop.

Tried not to go too crazy in the store. Only bought about 20 bucks worth of crisps and the first can of
Lilt I've had in about ten years. I'm going to have to try to make these ones last a little longer.

Took a break from shopping after that to meet up with Mary and Robin and see their lovely new home. Can't believe how much property costs in Sydney. Actually makes Brisbane look reasonable by comparison.
As we were in Sydney I figured I'd need to check out my favourite
games shop in person. It was a good thing I had enough money in my "spending" account to get
most of the things I wanted. Lots of
Battlelore stuff of course.

On Saturday we caught up with Donald and Corrin for dim sum in China town (yes, ate myself silly yet again). After that we headed over to spend some time with James and Dora to see the rest of their wedding/honeymoon photos. Sounds like they had the experience of a lifetime in Africa.
*sigh* Now to give our credit cards and stomachs a chance to cool off over the next few weeks.