This latest Flight Centre conference had us on the ferry to Moreton Island for a nice sunny break and the usual corporate review. Shame that all but the last day had us stuck indoors as the clouds dumped on us, perfect weather for the pub but not all that conducive to dolphin feeding or sailing. Saturday night was a fancy dress buzz night where we had to come as a Tarantino or Spielberg character, so the team rocked up in attire inspired by the Lost Boys from Steve's triumphant work, Hook. Oh how many times I watched that movie as a kid.

Sunday was a little nicer outdoors so we got a chance to do some quad biking. Didn't end up being as awesome as I thought it would be which was a shame. I'd pick go-karting over that any day but it was nice being able to do something in the sun.

Call us overenthusiastic but we somehow found ourselves buying baby Chua's first bit of clothing the other week at Myer. What started out as a trek across this store to find an extra item to purchase to qualify for a discount ended up with the two of us cooing at baby socks and prints of anthropomorphic animals on jump suits. One of which we purchased as it had a cow on it, adding this to the small collection that started with some lovely presents from Krit for the bun in the oven.

The fixation with Starcraft has not begun to wane as yet, with most nights dedicated to frantic mouse clicking in the attempt to best some random 13 year old kid in Singapore that obviously knows what he's doing compared to me. Oh if only one didn't have to work to support a family. Never one to take responsibility for my failures I decided to blame my gross uncoordinated flailing mouse cursor on my wireless mouse, and splurged on getting a "proper" corded gaming peripheral. It glows in the dark and has 10 different options for customization that I don't understand so I'm sure my performance is about to rise to a whole new level of incompetence.

On the odd occasion Alison has successfully dragged me off the computer to do something constructive around the house, or you know... spend some time with the mother of my child. This weekend we busted out the sand paper and started preparing the outdoor table for a future paint session. Even with a smooth finish it's looking a lot better than it did before so we can't wait to see how it turns up after a fresh coat of paint.

Aside from that it's just been normal house work and infrequent yard mowing while we wait for mum's upcoming visit in November. The place is looking pretty established now though neglect has resulted in a few weeds popping up here and there. Personally I blame the warming weather and freakish level of rain we have experienced in the last month. Better get those gardening gloves on again.