Monday, July 07, 2008

Hell hath frozen over

Goes to show how much I've been neglecting my blog reading lately due to house hunting duties. I even managed to miss this predictable but no less orgasmic announcement. Now I just have to hope that my little MacBook can handle it along with Star Craft 2 and Spore.

Oh, we also heard today that the owners have signed the contract on the house so it's full steam ahead. Building and pest inspections have been booked in for Thursday.


dlanod said...

How could you miss that??? Hell, thy name is Diablo addiction.

Sharim said...

I missed it because the only website I've visited in the past month has been :P

dlanod said...

You should provide feedback to Blizzard about a chance to broaden their market by targeted ads then... ;)

Katherine said...

Hey guys - congrats on the house! It looks gorgeous. Can't wait to see it from the inside...