Sunday, September 14, 2008

Head Boppin'

As a change to our usual lethargic Saturday evenings, Alison and I caught a train into Brunswick Street to check out the Valley Fiesta. We'd haven't bothered going in previous years as most of the bands playing weren't familiar to us... not entirely surprising when you consider our music tastes. This year however Charlie's band (The Boat People) were playing a set at a respectable time (6:00) for early retirees so we figured we'd best turn up to mosh.

Krit and Charlie also just had some pretty exciting news to share. He'd popped "the question" on stage in their last gig, which we unfortunately missed because we're losers. Thankfully someone was recording the event for posterity.

I'm embarrassed to say that I haven't really listened to their music before. They don't have wailing female lead singers but I still found myself enjoying it. Bought a couple of tracks off iTunes to help support the boys. Quirky and fun!

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