Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Hello There

 Hi!!!!!!!!!!! My name is Eleanor. Yes the Eleanor. The one this whole blog was about. As you know there hasn't been any recent posts lately . So, My dad said I could right in it. so....... HELLO. 

The last time we left off was when Cal was born. Well now he is not a baby. He is 6. and I am not 3. I am 9.  Got it not a baby and defiantly not a toddler. Cal just started 1st grade and I just started 4th!!!! I like my teacher. She's really nice. Now if you are one of Sharim's friends and wondering where he is because you want to have a play date with him. You will have to get on a 12 hour fight to Seattle. Thats because we moved!! Yay nothing else really got you caught up on the 6 years you were away but I will put a picture of me and the Chua's (including me!!) at the bottom. Hahaha I said Bottom


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