Saturday, July 01, 2006

Shade and big green thing

Our latest additions to the house have now been delivered and unwrapped. Not without a few incidents unfortunately but I guess our luck had to give out at some point.

A couple of trucks pulled up at half past eight this morning with two grumpy looking tradesmen. Apparently they were bitching all the way about how this shouldn't have been a two person job for installation and after a quick and rude survey of our unit they promptly decided that one person could do the job just as easily. So exit left old grumpy guy to leave fat grumpy guy puffing and wheezing from climbing the stairs. This was followed by an excruciating three hours (the salesrep originally stated it would be an hour long job) of unconfident drilling, much adjusting and an alarming amount of dry wretching as Tubby McSmelly struggled to suck enough oxygen into his overworked lungs. I really did feel like helping the guy after he dropped the blinds roll for the third time but then I figured, bugger it. Serves the sods right for being so rude.

Turns out that the actual prize for moron of the day ended up going to the delivery people that brought our couch over later on. Firstly there were three of them there to bring down our couch and chaise. They lugged the bits on their shoulders and stretched it above their heads carelessly as they walked up the stairwell... and proceded to smash our new couch into the porch light.

Now I'm all for people making mistakes on the job, moving furniture is far from the easiest task I know. But to damage someone's property and then laugh about it before dragging broken glass into the unit and careening off four walls on the way is about as unprofessional as you can get. To make matters worse they even challenged me when I asked for a reference to call about getting the light fixed. A quick phone call to their company after they left should see them singing a different tune when they get back to despatch I'd hope.

Ah well, at least everything is all up and ready now. Andrew came over for a couch warming so we ducked out to pick up some fish and chips to eat while watching Independence Day.

All that's left is to get the vendor to install our fly screens and we'll be all done... oh other than an insinkerator... but that can probably wait.


Katherine said...

Yay for shade and big green thing! The couch looks awesome guys, and very comfy. It looks as if it would fit in really well with the rest of your furniture. Can't wait to see it in properly.

Thanks for baby-sitting nandy for me :) He sound like he had a great time! And he even now features on your blog! How sweet...

Sharim said...

Thanks Kath. We'll have to host another party for boardgames around the coffee table and couch in the future.

The two of you have featured a few times on the blog actually. :)

pandy said...

you know, the least that you could do would be to take a photo of me being dead sexy, rather than a little foppish with my tea and cake. oh well. woe is me. at least the old and unhappy nurses in BIRU think i am sexy, eh Alsie?

Sharim said...

That's tea and chocolate covered bun of death you mean.

I'd post the other pictures but this is supposed to be a family friendly website. Think of the children Andrew...