I had a real good time taking pictures of the 'lads' throwing a frisbee around, at least until they lost it for good in the snake infested grass. They proceeded to kick a football around though so I could continue to practice my action photography. Probably the hardest part was keeping both eyes open just in case someone tried to be funny and belt me on the side of the head while I had my eye on the viewfinder.

Anyway, the sad bit of the gathering was that it was the last official day Matt would have working with the IT Team as a full time employee. We got him the National Geographic Photographer's Field Guide as a parting gift to fuel his new found interest in snapshoterry. I'd like to take full credit for getting him hooked on the hobby if I may.

All around a good day even if we're sorry to see him go. Thankfully we'll still see him around once a week as he'll be doing part time work for us while returning to Uni on his road to becoming a Speech Therapist. Best of luck mate.

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