For those too lazy to click on the link here are the clues we had to follow to find the cache. The whole idea is you get to each point and figure out the next GPS coordinates to walk to based on the answer to the question.
At the coordinates listed above you will find a sign explaining the history of the area and of Moolabin Creek. You will find these signs along the way and they provide a great insight into what was here before the houses arrived.
1 - In order to find waypoint 2 you need to know:
How high is Mt Cootha? = AAB
How high is Toohey Mt? = CAB
Waypoint 2 = S27 31.(A+B)AC and E153 01.B(B-C)(A+B+C+1)
2 - How many metres can the squirrel glider glide up to? = BD
Waypoint 3 = S27 31.(A+B+C)DC and E153 01.(B+C)BB
3 - How many trees on your left along the pathway are there? Starting at the coordinates and ending just before the yellow barriers = E
Waypoint 4 = S27 31.EA(E-B) and E153 01.(E-C)(B-C)C
4 - How many stations are there? (go on give them a go .....) FG = answer multiplied by 3
Waypoint 5 = S27 F1.EGE and E153 DC.(G+A)(G+C)G
5 - What does "Moolabin" mean in the local Aboriginal language? H = number of letters in the answer.
Waypoint 6 = S27 FA.DFD and E153 01.(H+C)FG
6 - How many million years ago does the geological formation date from? XXX-YYY
The cache can be found at: S27 FA.(XXX-229) and E153 DC.(YYY+699)
We found the first park easily enough and followed the clues quickly from point to point while checking out the local houses for sale. As Alsie pointed out I think this would be a great way to check out suburbs we'd like to move to in the future. The only clue we briefly stumbled on was number 3 as we were looking for an information plaque.
Arriving at the final coordinates we had some trouble actually finding the cache as there was fresh and damp mulch all over the area. A little persistence on my part (call it plain stubbornness if you will) and I eventually found a little red lunchbox partially buried at the base of a tree.
We signed the logbook and checked off our very first cache find. Hopefully the first of many.
Great.........what a way to stay healthy & happy.
you look great......that's the way to stay that way???
Finally another cacher.. I'll have to try and send a travel bug your way. We haven't had much success here -- too much snow.
PS the Brisbane odities multi cache is quite fun.
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