Monday, January 05, 2009

Road Trippin'

We had to drag ourselves back into work today, deeply disappointed that our short holiday has come to an end. Reckon we did quite well for ourselves though as we crammed in two more road trips into what little time we had left.

New Year's Eve this year was a pretty tame one with Alison nodding off at two chimes off midnight. Mum and I blinked on till the fireworks were set off on TV to welcome 2009 before succumbing to slumber siren calls ourselves. It's not like Alsie and I are usually party animals but I think our annus novus efforts are beginning to border dangerously on the frail side of geriatric.

Our first day trip took us a little way up north to Redcliffe for a relaxing afternoon by the water. I thought I ordered a fisherman's basket, but our packs were filled with unidentifiable appendages from mutated sea creatures. Rubbery, but tasty enough with an unhealthy sprinkling of chicken salt.

The weather was superb and we got to lounge on camping chairs by the water. Mum even managed to have a short snooze on her bag which earned her a fetching face imprint. The only real let down of the trip was our inability to find a decent ice cream store. The best we could come up with was a Golden Gaytime from a service station that offered irresistibly cheap fuel.

The downside of visiting a place like Redcliffe is you never know when you'll run into a pair of fashion victims. We'd recommend ignoring this couple if you ever see them strolling on the beach. Wussaaaaap!

Our next trip was a scenic route from Brissie to Toowoomba, passing through Woodford, Dayboro and Esk along the way. Our luck with the weather on the beach didn't hold out unfortunately, and we were plagued by intermittent showers which limited our visibility and camera stops. We eventually decided to take shelter from the elements at the Woodford pub. There was a smorgasbord of succulent bovine beauty on offer so we ordered up a few plates to tuck into while we waited for the rain to pass.

Timing our departure between two heavy downpours, we drove on through Dayboro and stopped by the spillway at Somerset Dam. I thought we'd have access to the walkway in truth so I didn't take any snaps of the water that Brisbane's been lucky enough to get over the last few weeks. Would love to visit Wivenhoe next time as I hear you can actually drive over that.

Our trip from Esk to Crow's Nest was decidedly bumpier than it should have been thanks to some suspect navigation on my part. Trust me to provide dodgy directions even with the help of a GPS, an Australian road map and access to Google Maps. Instead of travelling on a major road between Esk and Hampton, we went off on gravel roads often shouldered by livestock staring accusingly at us in repayment for the beefy feast we just consumed. We got there eventually though I copped an earful for being cartographically challenged.

Mum's back was feeling pretty darn sore from a long car ride and crap roads but I think she had a nice time seeing the countryside.

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