Saturday, December 03, 2005

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree

Well mum landed last night safe and sound. We got to the airport about an hour too early due to some misinterpretation of her arrival time. Thankfully we both thought to bring along our DSs so time flew by with a few rounds of Mario Kart.

On her first day here we dragged mum all around Brisbane to hunt for presents and to buy Christmas decorations. It's the first tree Alison and I have bought together so it was pretty special and the three of us had a fun time putting everything up. There was a minor set back when I managed to break the fairy lights AFTER we finished setting it up on the tree but it was all fixable.

Now we just have to start wrapping up our presents to put around the base. Hope I get lots of big boxes full of electronic goodness. :)


yinyang said...

don't you know that most electronic goodness comes in SMALL boxes these days :-)

Sharim said...

True enough... but big LCD screens usually come in BIG boxes ;)