Sunday, January 22, 2006

Choo choo... huh?

Well, finally managed to pick up those boardgames I ordered at the start of the month. I was getting pretty peeved that the delivery was taking so long to arrive and ended up calling the store in Sydney to check up on what was taking so long. Got given the run around for about three days but in the end it turned out that the courier made an attempted delivery on the 6th of January but must have forgotten to leave a note in our mailbox (ARGH!!!). All's good now though... well almost anyway.

I noticed something odd when I was punching out cardboard templates for Railroad Tycoon. The pack containing all the train markers seemed to have way too many blue counters in it. Sure enough, a quick check in the rulebook confirmed that the clumsy monkeys in the packaging factory sent me two sets of blue trains and left out a set of green ones.

Of course I could just be colour blind so feel free to drop me the line if any of you spot some green in that pack. Anyway, I've fired off yet another email at the store to see if they can arrange for a replacement. Hopefully they won't need me to send the box back as we've already played a game (Good fun!).

Ah well... I guess we could always buy a pot of green paint or something...

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