Thursday, September 28, 2006

Music to my ears

A long day at work and late night shopping on Thursday usually results in some form of consumer therapy. Just so happens that David Jones was kind enough to have some of the new, thinner, black 30GB iPods in stock so I was soon parted with my hard earned cash. Now copying the entirety of my music collection over to it which is taking FOREVER!

Can't believe how thin the new iPods have gotten. Shame it's still not a complete video iPod but I guess I can always keep using my Ipaq to watch DivX movies anyway. Video podcasts will be more than enough to keep me happy visually. Probably for the best given the limited battery life during video playback.

We've had to deal with non-stop contruction noise at work which will likely continue for the next six months. At least now I have something to drown the jack hammers out. Rock on!


Anonymous said...

You know you're going to have to ditch that Toshiba sometime and replace it with a macbook pro. You can't just have an iPod + shuffle and a Toshiba... It's just wrong.

But glad to see the inflow pipeline of gadgetry is constantly fluid. Where do you find the time to give attention to all your gadgets? Argh!

Anonymous said...

whatever happened to a) mp3 for CHRISTMAS fund; and b) micro$oft's new ZUNE (what a piece of crap that is bound to be ^_^

accept the domination of all things apple and you will be happier in your life.

peace out

Sharim said...

What can I say? I'm weak. :P

Anonymous said...

welcome my brother to the (big) iPod world :-)

i thought the Zune would have been quite interesting, but the more I read, the more disappointed I get that there will be no serious competition from the Redmond Boys.

now, to get you onto some porper computer hardware....! :-)

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