Sunday, September 17, 2006

Oh rusty nail!

The mystery source of our water problem has finally been uncovered.

The plumbers came by during the week and confirmed that our leakage was definitely coming out of the hot water tap in our garage (oh no!) which might have meant that we'd be responsible for paying to fix it (OH NO!!!). Luckily for us our body corporate is actually good for something and covers repairs in the garage (Yay!).

After breaking through the wall to get to the pipes the aforementioned plumbers (who didn't seem to care for mushrooms or jumping around much) discovered that the builders had hammered a nail into the hot water outlet. Doesn't do much for my confidence in the build quality of our home but at least fixing the problem was fairly simple.

Now we just need to get the car air-conditioner repaired... *sigh*

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