Monday, January 22, 2007

Happy Snapper

Not much time to post lately as I'm getting my spurt of internet communion through my daily pictures. I must admit that I didn't think I'd even last this long and it's surprising how the 'pressure' to come up with something new each day puts the squeeze on your creative glands. Immersing myself in taking photographs has also got me reading up more techniques and theory which is absolutely fascinating. Hard to believe that I once thought I knew enough about photography to get by.

Try as I might I haven't figured out how to display images from photoblog like I do with my flickr badge yet unfortunately. Yeah, I know that all you flickr pros out there would scoff and tell me I shouldn't have used photoblog in the first place. Hopefully someone will figure it out later but in the mean time I've just added an RSS feed to the side bar of The Rabbit

The rest of our spare time has been spent printing out and cutting up invitations for that big party in June. We'd invite more of you but I'm feeling faint at the thought of the amount of sticking, cutting, folding and printing we've got ahead of us already. Invites should hopefully be going out towards the end of the month... *sigh* snip, snip, paste

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