Saturday, June 23, 2007

We just lost the moon

Well our bus trip to Dunedin this morning turned out to be a fizzer. The road to Cromwell was closed once again due to icy conditions and things didn't seem likely to change today. We've therefore decided to scrap Dunedin off the trip and stay in Queenstown till Monday when we'll take a coach straight to Christchurch for our flight. The weather's a lot better today and all reports indicate that things will be clear by Monday. *fingers crossed*

The owner of the B&B we're staying in has been kind enough to give us a super low rate for the next couple of days so we won't have to find alternate accommodation thankfully. She even passed on a couple of DVDs for us to watch. I selected Peter Jackson's King Kong for our afternoon entertainment, geez that's three hours of my life that I'll never get back.

We're still having fun here in Queenstown and managed to pick up a pretty funky teapot in town for an NZ souvenir. Plan is to hang around town again tomorrow and maybe catch a movie at the cinema, my vote's for Pirates 3. We'll be pretty darn happy when we're back in Brisbane on Tuesday... hopefully.

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