Sunday, January 13, 2008

A new member to the family

To the household computer family that is. I've been reading about the Asus Eee PC and decided to pick one up on Friday to play around with it. It's marketed as a simple laptop for students and first time PC users but I think it's really pretty neat. My original intention was to get a new laptop so that Gemini could retire to Tivo duty but I guess that'll just have to wait a while longer.

As you can see it's remarkably tiny (either that or I have bigger hands than I'd like to think). Typing on the darn thing was a little challenging at first but after practice I've gotten used to it. Not surprisingly I'm typing this blog entry on the lil gal (who we've christened Edna after Edna Mode, as she's small and all dressed in black) and I'm not having any issues.

So far I've installed a few applications on it and customised it a little but the machine comes with pretty much everything you'd need on it out of the box. Asus have a special version of Xandros Linux installed on it which certainly does the job. I can do pretty much 90% of the things I'd use a PC for on it with limitations coming from the lowish spec and small screen. Reasonable compromises given it's price (retails in Australia for $500) and superb portability (weighs less than a kilogram).

This'll certainly be a lot easier to take on the plane to Malaysia that's for sure :P


Katherine said...

Wow - Edna rocks! And under one kilo? What a machine. Very hot :)

Sharim said...

Yeah, we've grown pretty close. I think Alsie might be getting jealous :P