Sunday, June 18, 2006

Red doors

Finally, we're no longer living out of two little plastic boxes. The cabinet maker came by yesterday to install our new pantry and both of us are more than happy with the results.

There were a few issues with the measurements so what started out as an hour long job actually spread into about five hours all up with trips back and forth from the workshop. Gotta feel sorry for the guy when he already gave us a good price for the work and ended up spending most of his Saturday fixing mistakes that probably weren't even his. What makes it worse is that he would have actually made more money an hour working at McDonalds. Sometimes life just isn't fair. :P

Ahhh glorious food, and so much more space to fill.


Sharim said...

Heheh, thanks mum. We're pretty happy with how the place is turning out too. Blinds and the couch should be coming along this weekend and we can't wait!

pandy said...

those red doors make me want to hump them. really

Sharim said...

I'm sure you'll get your chance soon enough. :)