The first task we decided to undertake upon our return was to set up two 'floating' shelves in the main bedroom. After much measuring and ten thousand pencil marks later I felt we'd pretty much outline where what needed to go. We even bought a mini spirit level to prevent any unwanted slopage in our outlines. Now it was time to make the holes.

Of course this meant drilling into a concrete wall again so out came the drill and I started pounding away (Which I'm sure our neighbours appreciated to no end). I'm glad to say at least that I was a little more competent than my last attempt and managed to drill ten holes right on the mark.

Putting the dynabolts in for the upper shelf on the other hand turned out to be a bit of a saga. The dynabolt wasn't sticking out enough for us to get the cap onto it so I started pulling it out with pliers... of course the problem with that is that dynabolts are effectively springs without the cap so when I let go the screw flew straight back into the wall. We fiddled with fridge magnets to try to get the screws out for a while (useless exercise) before I had the bright idea of substituting ramset plugs and normal screws in those holes I guffed up. Worked a charm and I think I'm on my way to becoming a little more handy around the house.

Now today we'll just have to go out to find more clutter to put on these two new beautiful shelves.

The next assembly was a small book shelf for the study downstairs. This one wasn't as challenging, aside from the crazy number of nails they require you to put in for the back board. I left that to Alison as she's far better with a hammer than I am.

Fits perfectly next to the computer desk and is well within easy reach.

And now at last I have space for my growing collection of reference books.

On a less constructive note, Als discovered an unsettling amount of water pooling behind the washing machine yesterday morning. At first we thought one of the taps or pipes must be leaking but on pulling the washing machine back and running another test run it seems as though the cause of the leakage might actually be coming from within the wall itself.

The water is even seaping out on the other side of the wall into the internal corridor which really suggests a problem with the pipes if you ask me. We'll monitor how things go over the next few days and get the body corporate to call out a plumber if things get any worse.

Great shelves guys! Very classy. I'm so proud of you both! A bit concerned about the leaking wall though...hope it turns out to be something quite innocent.
Thanks Kath. Als called body corp today so they should be sending someone out to take a look at the leakage soon. *Fingers crossed*
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