Thursday, November 09, 2006


Electronics Boutique at Garden City have not one but TWO Nintendo Wii consoles for customers to try out. There was a huge crowd waiting to get their grubby hands on the wiimote and nunchuck for some Zelda and Excite Truck action so I didn't get a chance to have a go unfortunately.

Visual impressions are good though, the console is slimmer than I thought it would be and the controllers look small and fit perfectly into your hands. Didn't want to watch too much of the Zelda demo to avoid any potential spoilers so I tried to focus on the players using the controllers which seemed responsive and intuitive.

Good thing we'll be on holiday for the next two weeks so the wait till December 7th doesn't seem quite so bad. I've already got my Wii pre-ordered along with an extra Wiimote (which comes bundled with "Wii Play") and a copy of Zelda Twilight Princess. Can't wait for it.

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