Thursday, November 09, 2006

Travel Plans

Als and I can barely believe it but we'll be flying back to Malaysia and Hong Kong tomorrow! There's nothing quite like having a house full of open suit cases filled with rolled up clothes and (certainly in my case at least) about half a dozen adapters for various electronic gadgetry. Passports ready, air tickets double checked, torrents all queued up and fish food feeders prepared. We're definitely set to dive right into a delicious holiday which will no doubt pass by in a blink.

It's really exciting as this will be the first chance for Alison's parents to see Malaysia and my extended family (eeeek!). Then next weekend we'll all be flying out to Hong Kong to celebrate James and Dora's engagement and meet all of Dora's family. Lots of names to remember and lots of food to eat.

I'll be lugging my laptop along back home so hopefully I'll be able to find an internet connection to post pictures and rants of all the cheap wonderful food we'll be consuming. It's a little weird thinking about a trip to Asia that isn't going to involve the purchase of the latest PDA/Console/MP3 player. Cheap dodgy DVDs on the other hand will be bursting out of our bags on the flight home.

Just one more sleep before we fly.

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