Tuesday, February 26, 2008

They're all dead

It's a sad day in the house as we mark the passing of our last fish in the family. While we were initially happy to discover that our fish had survived our two week absence, all was obviously not right in the household aquarium. The day after we got back saw us burying the first casualty as Cosmo left us for deeper waters. Not long after that we were digging a hole for Gus, our latest addition to the tank. Now we're distraught that Ingot has also left us which means that the only organisms left in the tank are Jeeves the demented sucker fish and Ed, our bristlenosed algae eater.

We might look into getting some new fish soon but for now I think it's probably best for us to just mourn and accept our loss. Missing the poor guys already. :'(


Anonymous said...

sorry to hear your lost man

Sharim said...

Thanks dude. We're still pretty cut up about it but the wounds will heal in time. :P

Anonymous said...

Learn to let go.........best lesson for getting on with life. The future is everything to live for with lots of Love & Caring.