Monday, April 19, 2010

Week Seven, the Comeback

First day back at work today. Made it through with a surprising amount of energy and wasn't that hungry, which is unusual after an extended holiday. Rocked on down to the gym at 1 in the afternoon and didn't expect to be able to do much. Only mustered up about 20 minutes on the treadmill and a pitiful stint with the skip rope. Imagine my surprise then when I hopped on the scales and measured up for the week.

This is the lightest I've been since starting the challenge! Still a little thick around the middle but I think four weeks of solid running will help shed the inches. My theory is that the scales in Malaysia were a biased towards the heavier side. Also might be retaining less water with the cooler weather perhaps?

Can't argue with good results either way. Now I need to tempt my taste buds with the Masterchef premier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the food you had during that short holiday did not harm you.........see.....hehehe.
Should had try more of those good food...yeah!