Sunday, November 20, 2005

Ikea fever

A downside of the original vision for our apartment decor is that we can't really cater for formal dining due to the lack of... well... a dining table. Pigging out on the coffee table while watching TV is all fine until the rare guest pops around for a bite. In anticipation of the steamboat dinner that mum has planned for us come Chinese New Year we decided it was probably time to get a little set for the other room.

After a little hunting around the Ikea show floor we spotted a little utility table that served our purposes. It's nice because we get to fold it away when we don't need it and it even has three drawers on each side. Ideal to be converted into the games table when we replace it with a real dining table at some point.

Assembling the darn thing would prove to be rather challenging...

But we succeeded in the end with much blisters, cursing and WAY more tools than I believe should be necessary for self assembled furniture. And this was after putting together six flat packed chairs to go with it. That's about as close to being a handyman as I'm ever going to get.


Anonymous said...

Cool. Invite me for the steamboat till will ya?

Sharim said...

You know you're always welcome man. :)