Thursday, November 03, 2005

Outdoorsy stuff and cleanliness

Forgot to mention that Alison picked up a bike on Sunday on an impulse buy. It's a standard 21 speed GT mountain bike with some slick tyres slapped on so in theory we both have similar setups though I swear mine goes downhill faster. Could just be that I'm an overweight lazy bum and gravity is on my side for once. :P

I think we cycled close to 10K on the first day just around the neighbourhood and discovering little bike lanes we'd ignored till now. Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera out that day but I did manage to take a few snaps when we substituted a gym visit for a quick ride on Tuesday.

Threats to push me off my seat while I tried to take pictures one handed pretty much forced me to settling for a snap from behind. I'm just surprised she didn't brake suddenly so I'd swerve and crash.

It's been pretty busy at work lately with lots of releases and pressure to reduce turn around time on our issues. Somehow managed to get guilted into cleaning up my desk to 'improve productivity' so I thought it would be a good idea to catalogue the rare occasion.

Yeah I know it still looks cluttered but trust me when I say that's an improvement.


yinyang said...

thankfully you didn't take a piccie of my workspace to show how sterile yours looks in comparison :-)

Anonymous said...

Nice, looks like a nice collection of toys you have on your desk...

Sharim said...

I'm sure Grace will come in one evening and torch your desk if you don't tidy up a little. ;)

Hey! Those are PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS thank you very much. Essential to my role in the department!

Anonymous said...

How about having a "NEXT or PREVIOUS" page link on your main page, it's kinda annoying to go through arcives when you just wanna keep continuity.

Sharim said...

More than happy to put one on if I could find out how to do it. I remember looking that up a while ago but no blogger pages I've seen have implemented one. The closest thing I believe is a "Next" and "Previous" on individual posts.