Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Part of something bigger

I've taken the plunge and signed up for a one year membership with the IGDA (International Game Developers Association). Figure if I'm going to get serious about working in the business then I might as well be a card carrying member of the party club. Some of the perks include discounts on conference tickets, reference books and of course attending local monthly meetings with the Brisbane Chapter. Can't wait for the next get together.


Anonymous said...

The best thing I ever did was sign up to an organisation that was specifically related to my hopes and aspirations as an author / illustrator. In fact, I am now a member of a few, and have made so many contacts, and receive so much support and valuable advice / help through these people.

You wont regret it! Good on you!

Sharim said...

I hope so. Still haven't been to a gathering yet but I've been posting a little on the message boards. Feeling kinda intimidated by everyone else with more experience but I'm sure that will pass with time.

Anonymous said...

I felt exactly the same way. But it doesn't take long to lose that 'newby' feeling. And in time you'll be meeting others with less experience than you, and they'll be asking you questions and will be fascinated by your 'knowledgable' answers :) It's a fun process. Best thing I've ever done.