Saturday, October 08, 2005

The new ice box

Couldn't have picked a hotter day for the new fridge to be delivered. I think it hit about 35 degrees today so the air conditioner had a pretty good work out for most of it. The crappy thing about defrosting your old fridge and waiting for your new one to get cool is that you have nothing chilled to drink.

We love having a funky looking fridge now. In the store we originally thought that this buy would decrease our fridge space but it seems to have done quite the opposite. Then again we probably bought less this week as we're off to Melbourne on Thursday.

In an uncharacteristic display of semi gadget fetishism, Alison pointed out today that our new fridge means that we've finally gotten rid of all our old aging appliances. In my mind we could probably do with a few more upgrades (a 24" Dell LCD monitor perhaps) but for now I'm happy to share this moment of consumer pride with her.


yinyang said...

you have taken the stickers off the fridge haven't you....!?

Sharim said...

Yeah of course we have. Just too lazy to take another picture after we scrapped the residue off.