Wednesday, October 05, 2005


It's been a real monotonous week so far. I've been getting up earlier in the morning to catch the 6:20 train to work in with hope that getting home earlier would allow me to frequent the gym that's bleeding my bank account dry. This plan hasn't worked yet but I'm optimistic. Personal fitness aside, the weather in Brisbane is getting uncomfortably warm yet again so avoiding the sun on the walk into work is probably worth rushing out the door each day.

Still no SuperCard package from the UK yet. I've been eagerly checking the mailbox but the only letters I find waiting for me are either bills or adverts. It's a sad, sad life without new toys.

Alison asked me to help her with a little template for her to use at work to keep track of patients. It's odd how user requirements are much harder to visualise when the 'customer' tries to help you come up with a solution. When we first started talking it seemed like I would have to develop and Access database with a friendly frontend. Thankfully we managed to achieve the same thing with a Excel spreadsheet and smart formatting. Reminded me of the endless days of template design that I did at Telstra.


Anonymous said...

Iron Maiden just released a fantastic new live album and dvd. You should try it.

- you know who, there's no one else but...

Sharim said...

Yeah I only know one Maiden freak. :P

So what's the name of the album/DVD?