Monday, August 22, 2005

Look over there

I've added Flickr and to the sidebar. This blog is actually starting to look half decent.

Since I feel like I've ranted to death over Flickr I think I'll give some fan-boy love. For any of you that haven't tried it head over to When you boil it down to it's essense is basically a bookmark list that you can share with people and (more importantly) one that you can access regardless of where you log onto the Net from. I seem to have a knack for losing my bookmarks through reinstalls, virii or pure stupidity so the idea of an online, persistant bookmark list is pretty darn attractive.

To take things to the next level you can even browse other people's bookmarks based on tags. This is a fantabulous idea as even Google doesn't always serve you up with similar sites that match your interest. Can't beat both productivity and fun in the same package. :)

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