Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Just leave me alone

A little gripe of mine, I hate it when people you barely know but see daily on the slog to work try to alleviate their own boredom by starting a conversation with you. It's something that I seem to be facing with uncomfortable frequency. If only there were a polite way to tell these losers to sod off and die without compromising this 'friendly fuzzy asian' facade that I've been cultivating.

Everyday I spend approximately one and a half hours commuting on the train to and from work. This to some people might be mind numbingly boring but to me it's valuable quiet time. It's either early in the morning or after a long day at the office so the last thing I should have to do is make polite conversation with no-names I have the misfortune of sharing a cabin with. I've spent a considerable amount of my not quite so disposable income on a plethora of gadgetry to avoid being stuck with nothing to do for entertainment. Playing with my gadgets make me happy, inconsequential chit-chat with brain dead office workers (who aren't even from my company) does not.

To the morons that can't take my blaring headphones and intimate fascination with my PDA screen as a subtle hint that I don't wish to to exchange pleasentries: please just get a clue or save a few pennies and get some personal toys for yourself. I long for the day we can all travel together on a train with headphones and VR goggles so I don't have to even pretend to ignore you.

1 comment:

Sharim said...

That doesn't sound too bad.

Don't get me wrong though, I love Aussie hospitality. I just wish to be left alone when I'm travelling. I should also probably mention that half the people that try to drum up a conversation with me on the train are asian.