Saturday, September 17, 2005

That 80s show

Alison and I attended an 80s themed party thrown by Jane and Phil from work tonight. It was a good laugh seeing everyone from work dressed up with mullets, lipstick and funky clothes. Here's a shot of us heading out the door in costume. Alison's gone for the pop girl look with the big neck top and Madonna lace glove while I'm garbed in rebel white shirt and jeans with my menthols (actually more like mentos) stuck up a shirt sleeve.

That's the first pair of jeans I've worn in close to ten years I would say. We look so bad we might actually be cool.


Anonymous said...

You look stunning baby! Like Uncle Ho's DVD owner.

Sharim said...

Worn jeans - $7
Offensive T-shirt - $7
Mentos packet - $1.30

Gross anachronistic image - Priceless

Sharim said...

I thought it fit the character quite well. How's your tum tum goin these days by the way? ;)